Environmental Education

Environmental Education


‘Waste Watchers’ is our long-standing environmental education theatre program with Derbyshire County Council.

For 11 years running it has been inspiring young people to reduce, reuse and recycle more of their waste at school and at home.


The ‘Waste Watchers’ program is so important to the lives of young people. Why? Because it raises waste awareness and encourages them to do the 3R’s (reducing, reusing, recycling). As well as, helps them to understand how it can conserve resources, save energy and save money. Plus, it’s better for the environment and cheaper than sending rubbish to landfill. Which produces carbon and methane emissions that contribute to climate change.

The performance and follow-on workshops are aimed at Year 8 students. They complement a number of National Curriculum areas. Most specifically, Geography, Citizenship, and PSHE. The program consists of 2 main elements;

Performance (50 minutes)

Follow on workshop (1 lesson long)

Waste Watchers Workshop

Delivery of the highly successful program to Derbyshire schools has been every year since 2009. With over 60,000 pupils taking part to date.

Teachers often comment on the performance as an excellent way to deliver vital waste reduction messages. They praise the level of participation and engagement. Also, pre and post-program questionnaires highlight a consistent increase in awareness and knowledge around key learning aims.

100% of teachers stated The Waste Watchers is pitched at the right level for pupils.

99% of students would recommend The Waste Watchers to others.

91% of students stated they were more likely to reduce reuse & recycle their rubbish having taken part in The Waste Watchers.

“It was fantastic, full of energy and engaged the students fully. I cannot thank you enough. The 3 members of staff were highly professional, very friendly towards the students, making them feel that they could answer questions confidently. They had a great knowledge linked to recycling and waste.”

Teacher, Heritage School

We continue to work with Derbyshire County Council, using the evaluation and experience of each tour to improve and update the program.


If you’re looking for new ways to connect and engage with young people please give us a call on +44 (0)191 252 2039 (UK) or +61 (0)415 344 816 (AUS) We’ll help to deliver your key messages in a fun and memorable way.

Contact Gibber (UK)

PO Box 236, South Shields, NE33 9FW

+44 (0)191 252 2039


Contact Gibber (AUS)

77 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW 2250

+61 (02) 9138 0744
